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Nonlinear Dynamics
and Systems Theory An International Journal of Research and Surveys |
Impact Factor from SCOPUS for 2023: SNIP - 1.032, SJR - 0.298, CiteScore - 1.6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS
(1) Aims and scope.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory is a multidisciplinary journal. It publishes papers focusing on proofs of important theorems as well as papers presenting new ideas and new theory, conjectures, numerical algorithms and physical experiments in areas related to nonlinear dynamics and systems theory. Papers that deal with theoretical aspects of nonlinear dynamics and/or systems theory should contain significant mathematical results with an indication of their possible applications. Papers that emphasize applications should contain new mathematical models of real world phenomena and/or description of engineering problems. They should include rigorous analysis of
data used and results obtained. Papers that integrate and interrelate ideas and methods of nonlinear dynamics and systems theory will be particularly welcomed. This journal and the individual contributions published therein are protected under the copyright by International InforMath Publishing Group.
(2) General. The
Journal will publish original carefully refereed papers, brief notes and
reviews on a wide range of nonlinear dynamics and systems theory problems.
Contributions will be considered for publication in ND&ST if they have
not been published previously. Before preparing your submission, it is
essential that you consult our style guide. Please download the archive
containing example of article file (you can edit only the file Sample_NDST.tex).
(3) Manuscript and Correspondence. Contributions are welcome from all countries and
should be written in English. The manuscript for consideration in the Journal should be sent by
e-mail in PDF format directly to
or to one of the Editors or to a member of Editorial Board. The final
version of the paper accepted for publication should be in LaTex
program in accordance with the style file of the Journal.
The title of the article must include: author(s) name, name of institution, department, address, FAX, and e-mail; an Abstract of 50-100 words should not include any formulas and citations; key words, and AMS subject classifications number(s). The size for regular paper 8-12 pages, survey (up to 24 pages), short papers, letter to the editor and book reviews (2-5 pages).
(4) Tables, Graphs and Figures.
All drawings should be suitable for printing, without retouching or redrawing. Each figure or table should have a brief caption describing its content. The figure caption should be placed under the figure and not in the figure file. Graphic files may be in PDF, EPS, JPG or PNG format. Tables should be submitted as editable text, not as images.
(5) References. Each entry must be cited in the text by author(s) and number or by number alone. All references should be listed in their alphabetic order. Use please the following style:
(6) Proofs and Sample Copy. Proofs sent to authors should be returned to the
Editor with corrections within three days after receipt.
The Corresponding author will receive a sample copy of the Journal
with his paper appeared.
(7) Editorial Policy.
Every paper will be handled by an editor or a member of the editorial board for the peer-review process of the paper.
(8) Copyright Assignment. When a paper is accepted for publication, author(s) will
be requested to sign a form assigning copyright to InforMath Publishing
Group. Failure to do it promptly may delay the